Yoga Teacher Feature:
Ashlee Dunn

This month at Asheville Yoga Center, our Teacher of the Month is Ashlee Dunn.
Ashlee has been a yoga teacher for 25 years. She has taught classes, developed yoga programs, and guided workshops and retreats throughout the United States. Ashlee has also studied yoga extensively in India and has certifications in multiple forms of yoga.
An Interview with Ashlee
What was your initial experience with yoga?
I started practicing yoga about 30 years ago in Charlotte, NC. We were practicing in a church basement as we didn’t have yoga studios on every corner back then. Mary Lou Buck was my first teacher and she was so welcoming and kind. Yoga felt oddly familiar and wonderful. I started going everyday and haven’t stopped.
What do you find most rewarding about teaching/sharing yoga?
Lately I find the most rewarding part of teaching to be the true interconnectedness I feel with others when teaching. We are all so very busy and it is amazing to take a pause and be with everyone without the distractions of our devices and “to do” lists. Watching people reconnect with themselves is a true honor.

Do you have a favorite yoga pose?
Savasana. The practice of dying is an essential part of yoga.

Opportunities to Practice with Ashlee
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