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Those days when you wake up a little stiff and sore, or even if you’re prone to aches, practicing this 15-minute morning yoga for lower back pain routine can help alleviate any discomfort. The short practice is designed to release low back tension first thing in the morning, and the entire routine is practiced seated or reclined, so you can even practice it in bed.
These yoga for lower back pain exercises are very basic movements that anyone can do, regardless of whether you have any experience with yoga. It’s a simple routine that consists of different kinds of essential spinal movements, including flexion, extension, rotation, and side-bending. They’re simple lower back stretches that feel exceptionally good. And you can feel that difference in a single 15-minute morning yoga session.
15-Minute Morning Yoga for Lower Back Pain and Stiffness
You don’t need any props for these simple stretches. If you experience back pain, consult with your physician prior to exploring any physical exercise, including this 15-minute morning yoga practice.

Easy Pose
Begin sitting cross-legged, with one shin in front of the other, or any way that’s comfortable for you. I want you to focus on lifting the crown of your head, rolling your shoulders down and away from your ears, and drawing your lower belly in a little. Make sure that you’re not leaning forward or leaning back. You want to stack the vertebrae of the spine.
If you like, close your eyes as you center yourself by taking a few breaths in and out through your nose.

Seated Side Stretch
Start by reaching your left arm all the way toward the ceiling. Feel that length along the side of your body. Then reach your arm over to the right. Your right fingertips can crawl out to the side. Feel the side body stretch. Push down into your left sit bone so you’re not lifting it off the mat or tilting your entire body to the side. See if you can let your head be heavy and relax your neck and your jaw as you really reach through your left hand. Use your right hand to push into the floor to come back up.

Seated Twist
Bring your left hand to your right knee and prop your right fingertips behind you for support. Lift and lengthen through your spine and maintain this length as you twist your chest to the right while keeping your hips facing forward. So your belly button faces forward and you’re trying to turn your chest and shoulders to face the left any amount that is comfortable. Stay here for a few breaths.

Seated Forward Bend
Release your twist just enough so your chest is at an angle facing your right knee and thigh. Then crawl your fingertips out and round through your upper body, pulling your lower belly in and reaching your left hand further forward. Remember to breathe in and out through your nose.
Walk your hands back, unwind from the pose, and do the Seated Side Bend, Twist, and Forward Bend on your other side. If you like, switch the crossing of your legs before you take these yoga poses for lower back pain on your left side.

Seated Head-to-Knee Pose
Straighten your right leg in front of you and bring your left foot to your inner left thigh. You’re going to make this a passive forward fold, so allow your spine to naturally round as you lean your chest forward over your straight leg. If you need to bend a little through your right knee, that’s perfectly fine. Don’t force the stretch. Let gravity pull you into the shape as you target all the muscles along your back body, from your head down your neck and spine and all the way along the back of your leg. Stay here for a few breaths. I turn my palms up so I’m not tempted to push or pull or force my way into the fold, especially first thing in the morning. Whn you’re stiff and tight, less is always more.
Push your hands into the floor and slowly roll back upright.

Seated Spinal Twist
Keep your left knee bent as you lift it and step your left foot over your right thigh. You’re coming into a spinal twist again, although this time, you’re going to hold your left leg with your right arm. Really squeeze your thigh toward your belly and then twist to the left with your left fingertips on the floor behind you for support. Keep lifting the crown of your head and pushing into your left big toe.
Release and try your forward bend and twist on the other side.

Knees to Chest
Lower all the way onto your back and pull both knees toward your belly, giving them a big squeeze and maybe rocking a little side to side to massage your lower back.

Reclined Hip Flexor Stretch
Place your hands on your knees and, as you inhale, straighten your arms and move your thighs away from your chest, and then exhale as you slowly bring them back in. Repeat this knee-pumping motion as you try to relax your legs and hip flexors and let your arms do all of the work. You’ll notice when you bring your thighs in, your lower back pushes into the floor a little more and then as you move your knees away your lower back lifts off the ground a little.

Reclined One-Legged Stretch
The next time your knees are drawn to your chest, keep your right leg where it is and straighten your left leg on the ground. You can hold onto either the back of your thigh or the front of your shin. The more you’re able to straighten your leg, the more you’ll feel this through your hip flexors, which can cause lower back pain and discomfort if they’re tight. The emphasis is really on the length you’re trying to create through your left leg, which stretches your hip flexors. So push through your left heel and keep pulling your right knee a little more toward your belly. Relax your shoulders. Make sure you’re not lifting your head off the ground.

Reclined Twist
Take your right knee cross over your body toward the left. Use your left hand to help guide it along and reach your right arm straight out to the side as you encourage your right shoulder blade to push into the ground. You’re trying to stack your right hip over your left hip.
Then switch sides and repeat the straight-legged stretch and twist.

Bridge Pose
Bend both your knees and bring your feet to the floor about hip-distance apart. Bring your heels in pretty close as you push your feet into the mat, squeeze through your seat, and lift your hips, low back, and mid back off the floor in Bridge Pose. Hug your inner thighs toward each other and try to relax your shoulders away from your ears. Engage and strengthen through your legs and glutes. Lift your hips a little higher and then slowly, inch by inch, release lower your back to the mat.

Easy Pose
Take your time as you roll to one side and come back to a seat. I like to finish sitting instead of in Savasana during morning yoga practices so no one falls back asleep. Sit any way that is comfortable here, find that length in your spine, and notice if your muscles feel less tense after your yoga for lower back pain practice. Pause here as you take a few slow breaths. You can come back to these stretches anytime during the day when you need some relief from back tightness.
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